Monday 29 September 2008

Product research

I recently watched two documentaries to give me an idea of the conventions that are used. I created a table to take notes on, the headings were: Soundtrack/music/voiceover, Narrative style/tone,choice of shots, titles/credits, editing, Use of set-ups (situation), Location/ backdrops of interviews.

The Tower
BBC 1 documentary about the displacement of people and their homes to make way for a new regeneration project that involves new, modern, swanky apartments.
The documentary followed the lives of 3 very different people and how this regeneration project would effect their lives. I liked the intimate approach of following these people, as they are all in the samw position, but changes this project will have on their lives is very different.
  • The orchestral, low-high pitch music; builds up getting louder during the transition to the next shot- I think this would be useful in my documentary, because the technique infroms the audience the change from one topic to the next. In my documentary i would like to use typical greek music.

Diagetic sound of people talking or being interviewed were edited as voiceovers used during location shots and long duration shots.

  • The narrative style had a formal introduction to the documentary, with a very serious tone. very informative
  • The beginning of the documentary consisted of a serious of shot duration shots of "The Tower" and high abgle shots of the location of the tower.
  • The titles and credits were very brief. only one scene was used for the titles and was very short,2-3secs. Quite dull colours, black background with white font.
  • 1-4 second shots, whilst documentary is beginning(quite short). The shots match what the voiceover is saying. The shots go on longer than when the person finished talking, to see their emotions.
  • People were being interviewed whilst carrying on with what they were normally doing, so they were talking to the interviewee at the same time- I like this idea as it adds to the realness of the documentary.

Domestic Violence-(In America)

  • This was more of a real life documentary, following the cops around America's homes chasing up domestic violence.
  • The doc begins with long duration shots of the sub-urban neighbourhood, which is used to set the scene- this could be useful in my documentary, maybe to show shots of greek stereotypes e.g dancing etc

Each of these documentaries were very different. I liked the way The Tower follows the lives of different people, however this would be difficult to re-create due to time and valibility of equipment. The Tower's documentary had a very long informative introduction, this would be something i would consider doing as it is easier to gather the information i would need.

I have more documentaries that i am waiting to get hold of and watch, these documentaries will hopefully give be a clearer idea of other conventions i could re-create.

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

You've picked up on a some interesting differences between the two docs. You mention a lot of shots with the sound of contributors running over the top of them. These are known as 'cutaways'. They are used to make a documantary more visually interesting, rather than just a series of talking heads. They are also used to illustrate what is being discussed. It's important that you start to use these technical terms when writing about and discussing your work.