Wednesday 25 June 2008

New Idea

I found this video which reminded me of how important food is in the Greek family,it is everything. I could interview the grandmas and ask them why it is the women's job to cook and whether they enjoy cooking etc and then i could interview the grandads and ask them what their opinion is on Greek food and why the choose to leave the cooking to the women....


Eoin Meade said...

Great video, it shows so much of what Greek family life can be like - the men generally sitting around in quiet isolation, smoking cigarettes and the women continue to eat. What I've just written is a very stereotypical take on Greek gender roles. Maybe these stereotypes are something you could explore in the documentary. The video seems to be from Greece (I say this because they're all speaking Greek and there's a sweet shop box on the table) so it would be interesting to see if the gender roles persist in an immigrant Greek family, whether the interaction with British culture has in any way impacted on the gender roles. Really pleased to see that you're putting so much work in at this early stage Anastasia. It will show in your final product.
Love the shot of the roots and eye shadow - classic.

Eoin Meade said...

I also like the idea of using a humorous tone and it would definitely appeal to a younger audience. Two things you have to be careful about when doing this. 1) Be careful not to derive all your humour from playing on stereotypes and 2) Be aware that what may seem hilarious to you because of your knowledge of Greek culture may not be to a wider audience without that knowledge - the humour will need to be derived from more universal elements of human nature