Sunday 6 July 2008

My family

Now i have a general idea,i have been thinking which family members i could use in this documentary. I have some humerous,loud characters in my family whom im sure would be more than willing to get involved,which is useful. Also,my uncle owns a bar and my grandparents used to own a cafe,my other grandparents used to own a resturant. Interviewing them would reveal their opinions about the importance of food.
I was watching some of My Big Fat Greek Wedidng the other day and noticed that alcohol is also an important aspect of greek food and is the key ingredient to liven up a greek family event,i could interview my uncle for his opinions.
I would still like to target a younger audience, therefore this is where quite a lot of my cousins will be useful....

1 comment:

Eoin Meade said...

You seem to have a good range of characters there Anastasia. Do any of your family still have a cafe or access to the cafe where they used to work? It could make a good location for an interview. It might be nice to see how the younger generations attitudes to food and drink differ (if at all) from those of the older generation.