Wednesday 25 June 2008

New Idea

I found this video which reminded me of how important food is in the Greek family,it is everything. I could interview the grandmas and ask them why it is the women's job to cook and whether they enjoy cooking etc and then i could interview the grandads and ask them what their opinion is on Greek food and why the choose to leave the cooking to the women....

Development From Teacher Feedback

As a result from my teacher's feedback on my documentary ideas, i feel that the family documentary would be the best idea to go ahead with, however i will not rule out the travel documentary completely;as my teacher suggested it would be good to have the travel doc as a back-up,therefore i will still film some footage in New Zealand.

Seeing as i am intending on featuring the family doc on channel 4, i think that it would be more suitable if i made this documentary quite 'humorous', as i feel that this would be best suited to the target audience. Therefore i have been researching some 'humorous' family documentaries you tube.

I like the idea of the beginning of this video.It introduces the family and then has a wide shot still image of the whole family. i think that this is a good introduction to the documentary as it introduces straight away that this is a documentary about family.

Monday 23 June 2008

Day 1-blog created,initial ideas

Today i made my blog.
At the moment i would like to make a documentary. I am not sure what on, although i have the idea of doing a type of travel documentary or a documentary about my "big fat Greek family". I have been thinking what channel i would like to air the documentary,either channel 4 or BBC1.

Travel doc idea:

This summer i am going to new Zealand and Australia with my brother. i was thinking of capturing some footage out there and use some of this footage along with some footage from Peru where my friend Charlotte is going for the summer. I could interview my brother and Charlotte, asking them questions about their experiences and why they wanted to go to these countries.

"My big fat Greek family" doc idea:

I was thinking of doing a documentary which focuses on the traditions and culture of a big family. Aimed at teenagers/adolesense from 18-21 and aird on channel 4, i could interview different family members putting accross their views and opinions about what it is like growing up with a close-knit family,where everyone is involved with everyone elses business. It would be formal, but at the same time making it seem playful and joky.

HOWEVER: i need to do a lot of research on documentaries and i do like the idea of doing a music video but i dont have a clear idea of what i would do for a music video,which is why i am swaying more towards the documentary idea.