Wednesday 23 July 2008

Research of diverse productions etc

Whilst looking at Divers Productions website, it is clear that the documentaries they do for channel 4 are very similar,in that they use traditions of religions or they play on history by involving youngsters of today to experience these traditions. Documentaries such as Young Black Farmers and Indian Finishing School. I was thinking that i could get youngsters from my greek family and get them to cook a traditional meaty greek dish, this may involve cooking octopus etc, or i could get my friends to do it and interview them about what they think about cooking greek dishes and how different it is to that way they cook their traditional dish. I think this would be quite humerous as well as informing people about the preperation that goes into cooking greek food.

Sunday 20 July 2008

Possible audience research questionnaire questions

  • What do you think of Gorden Ramseys F Word?

(options...) humerous Boring

informative Good T.V

  • What do you expect from a channel 4 documentary involving food?

(options...) Boring to be inspired to cook

choose not to watch them other...

  • What would you like to see in a channel doc about food and family?

Humour Traditional values good soundtrack interesting other...

  • What do you know about Greek Families?

Not much Nothing They are big Plate smashing Dancing Tasty Greek food

  • Have you had any Greek food before?....if yes what is your favourite Greek food?
  • Do you know anyone Greek?

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Channel 4

I have been thinking about what channel i would like my documentary to be aired on, and i was thinking channel 4, as their average audience age is between 16-34 and i would like my target audience to be between 21-27, because it is in the average age range and i am hoping to create a doc with a humerous tone, which i think will appeal most to this age group.
Channel 4 is part of the Commisions Act of 2003 which states that channel 4 "appeals to the tastes and interests of a culturally diverse society" therefore i think that the target audience would have gone to university as they would be fully aware of the "diverse community". The target audience would also be for Greek people of this age group as they would be able to relate and laugh along with it.

I was on the channel 4 website and came across food docs on channel 4. The most popular were Gorden Ramsey's F word and Come dine with me, both of which have a mimicking humerous undertone,which is what i aim for in creating this documentary.

My Big Fat Greek Family and Food idea would be suitable for channel 4 for its promotion of a cultural background incorperated with humour and food.

Sunday 6 July 2008

My family

Now i have a general idea,i have been thinking which family members i could use in this documentary. I have some humerous,loud characters in my family whom im sure would be more than willing to get involved,which is useful. Also,my uncle owns a bar and my grandparents used to own a cafe,my other grandparents used to own a resturant. Interviewing them would reveal their opinions about the importance of food.
I was watching some of My Big Fat Greek Wedidng the other day and noticed that alcohol is also an important aspect of greek food and is the key ingredient to liven up a greek family event,i could interview my uncle for his opinions.
I would still like to target a younger audience, therefore this is where quite a lot of my cousins will be useful....